Tu cita con el inglés (vol. 12) – El gerundio

Tu cita con el inglésUno de esos aspectos más que nos traen de cabeza a todos los que intentamos hacernos con la lengua inglesa, es saber cuándo demonios debemos utilizar los gerundios y cuándo los infinitivos.

En el artículo de este mes de Tu cita con el inglés, el profesor Ronan O’Donnell explica cuándo y cómo emplear el gerundio y el infinitivo de un verbo. Aunque no parezca demasiado complicado, esta serie de normas seguro que le será de mucha utilidad a más de uno.

Como siempre, os animamos a que nos comentéis de qué temas os gustaría que Ronan hablara en su próximo artículo, así como que compartáis con él vuestras ideas y sugerencias en su página de Facebook: facebook.com/A2BEnglish, donde encontraréis, además, muchos consejos y curiosidades sobre la lengua de Shakespeare y sobre cómo mejorar vuestro nivel de inglés.

To be or not to being

I hope that you are all well. When to use a gerund and when to use an infinitive form? Bare infinitive (go) or to-infinitive (to go)?

Some verbs are followed by a to-infinitive and others take a gerund.

She offered to help with the babysitting.
The job involves driving aroundLondon.


Verbs followed by a gerund 

Hope, involve, finish, suggest, imagine, consider, appreciate, avoid, face, give up, deny, resist, resent, quit, postpone, practice, risk.

– After adjective and preposition combinations

John is very good at playing football.

Common examples: Good/ bad/ terrible at, capable of, worried about, afraid/terrified of.

– After expressions expressing liking/disliking

I don’t like cycling inLondon.

He can’t stand playing football in the rain.

Common examples: like, love, detest, hate, can’t stand, enjoy

 – After verb + preposition

He apologised for breaking the vase.

Paul is worried about travelling alone.

Common examples: consist of, believe in, insist on, approve of



– Verbs followed by an infinitive

Afford, agree, appear, attempt, choose, decide, expect, hope, learn, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse.

– After certain adjectives

The problem was difficult to solve.

Common examples: difficult, necessary, interesting, easy

– To express purpose

 I went to town to do some shopping

 – Verb + object + to-infinitive

 I expected John to answer all the questions

 Common examples: expect, persuade, believe, enable

Infinitive (without to)

– After certain expressions

– had better
– would rather

– After certain verbs

– can, must, should, let, make


  1. I can’t afford buy/ to buy/ buying a new car.
  2. I am late. I must go/ to go/ going now.
  3. He insisted on carry/ to carry/ carrying the bags.
  4. I enjoy walk/ to walk/ walking by the sea.
  5. I came to London study/ to study/ studying English.
  6. I would rather take/ to take/ taking the bus.
  7. It was interesting see/ to see/ seeing the way in which older people live.
  8. I want find/to find/finding a new job.
  9. It is difficult solve/ to solve/ solving this problem.
  10. Paul is afraid of walk/ to walk/ walking alone at night.


1. to buy, 2. go, 3. carrying, 4. walking, 5. to study, 6. take, 7. to see, 8. to find, 9. to solve, 10. walking


If you wish do some more work take a look at the sentences on this webpage: http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/advice/english-as-a-second-language/gerunds 

Practice using the examples by creating your own sentences that you can memorise.

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