Tu cita con el inglés (vol.16) – Leer textos en inglés es una buena forma de aprender (aunque no los acabes de entender)

Aquí os dejamos el último artículo escrito por el profesor Ronan O’Donnell de A2B English, que de bien seguro os ayudará a seguir mejorando vuestro nivel de inglés.

En esta entrega, Ronan nos habla de lo mucho que puede ayudarnos el leer textos en inglés, incluso si no acabamos de entender muy bien todo lo que en éstos se dice.

Learn English


Reading (You don’t need to understand every word)

Do you find it difficult to read in English? It can be intimidating but it is an excellent way to increase your vocabulary and improve your fluency. The internet is a good place to start when deciding what to read. The number of blogs, articles, texts and news items provides English learners with endless possibilities. Have you ever thought about the way that you read in your own language? Is it possible to use similar strategies for reading in English as you do when reading in Spanish?

Most English students already use lots of different reading skills when reading in their own language and forget to use them when reading in English. What are these skills and why are they important? Firstly, you have already used some of these skills if you are reading this. How did you first decide to read this website? Maybe you liked the title, the headings, the articles, the photos or maybe you find useful information on this site.

We read newspapers, websites, timetables, blogs etc in very different ways. Sometimes we need to find specific information, sometimes we read very quickly through a blog, website or article to decide if we will continue reading or not. Before you begin reading any of the above, think about how you read them in Spanish. The main skills we use when reading are skimming, scanning, extensive and intensive reading.

Skimming & Scanning

We use skimming to get a general idea about what we are reading, how it is organised and the tone or style of the text eg. looking quickly through a newspaper or magazine, deciding if we should continue reading a blog. When scanning, we look for specific information (name, date, number etc) and we usually do this when we are reading a TV schedule, looking through a phone book or a timetable.

Intensive & Extensive reading

Extensive reading is usually done for pleasure when reading novels, articles, blogs etc. Intensive reading is when you read a shorter text for detail eg. a contract, tenancy agreement.

Finally, don’t rely on your dictionary; try to guess the meaning of unknown words from context and continue reading even if you don’t know what a word means. Read for general meaning and choose texts that interest you and are not too difficult; remember you are reading for pleasure, it can be enjoyable.

Ronan O’Donnell

A2B English


2 comentarios
  1. Comparto al 100% el artículo. Llevo tiempo leyendo libros únicamente en inglés y se nota, cuando redacto hay palabras que me salen solas o cuando tengo que escoger en un test entre varias opciones, a veces sé qué opción es porque “me suena”.

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